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Tag Archives: deep breathing
Shift Your Focus to Minimize Anxiety
In this day and age, we’ve all got a lot of balls in the air, trying to balance family with work and still carve out a little time for ourselves. So how do you follow your heart and not spend your life fulfilling someone else’s dreams? Until you discover that, anxiety may very well be a constant companion. Stay in the moment. Anxiety can make you feel bad about yourself. Don’t beat yourself up about the mistakes you’ve made. Keep in mind that you are human and no one is … Continue reading
Posted in adult children, aging parents, parenting kids, sandwich generation, stress, well-being, your self
Tagged anxiety, deep breathing, emotions, family, internal strength, mistakes, relaxation, stressors, work
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Mommy Wars Post Tax Day
Moms continue to reflect and speak out about the economy – the nation’s and their own family’s. Women recognize that life can be full of stress and anxiety, especially when extra financial worries erupt at tax time. Whether you’re a work-at-home mom or pursue a career outside the house, we can all choose to attack the problems, not each other. These tips can help you become part of the solution as you develop a personal safety net to fall back on now and in other difficult times: Reconsider your assumptions, … Continue reading
Posted in sandwich generation, your self
Tagged aging parents, communication, deep breathing, family, friends, growing children, information, mommy wars, reframe, relaxation technique, solution, support, taxes, tension, walk
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Wrap-up of the Virtual Book Tour
Yesterday we interviewed Dr. Dorothea Hover-Kramer about her book, “Second Chance at Your Dream,” for our Virtual Book Tour. She kicked off the comments by sharing a tip about energy psychology and self care: Most of us are busy and need quick ways to release stress and tension. Here’s one I’d like to invite you to use as often as needed today. When you notice a strong unhappy feeling or negative thought, treat it quickly by repeating a reminder phrase such as “I release……” while tapping several meridian ‘acupoints,’ which … Continue reading
Video Tips for Taking Care of Yourself in a Recession
You have probably noticed that the economic downward spiral has affected more than your pocket book. For most of us, it has also taken a toll on our feelings of well-being and security. Reports indicate that mental health calls due to financial pressure have increased more than 100% in the past months. If you are feeling signs of distress, check out our video tips for today to learn how to take better care of yourself. To read some tips about how to create a healthier lifestyle for yourself and your … Continue reading