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Category Archives: sandwich generation
In the Middle of the Sandwich Generation
These are stressful times for the Sandwich Generation. You want to care for your loved ones. But with demands from every direction, the pressures of nurturing multiple generations can be overwhelming. With empathy and clarity, you see that each member is a part of the family’s continual change and renewal. As you manage the challenges of aging parents and growing children, be compassionate with yourself. Here are practical tips on how to do just that: Embrace change. Keep a journal about your core values and what you want for yourself. Notice emotional shifts as … Continue reading
Posted in aging parents, Evergreen, parenting kids, sandwich generation
Tagged aging parents, caregiving responsibilities, growing children, reduce anxiety, Sandwich Generation, self care, transitions
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Handling Financial Worries
Are you concerned about what’s happening to your savings as the stock market continues to fluctuate and slide? The drop of nearly 2,000 points over the past two months may reflect worldwide fears about future growth of the economy. But your personal outlook may have a sharper focus: What if a drop in my IRA balance affects my planed retirement date? When will my Millennial generate the funds to pay off his student loan? How can I help my parents or kids when I’m busy treading water myself? To allay … Continue reading
Posted in adult children, parenting kids, sandwich generation, stress, your self
Tagged Baby Boomers, Boomerang kids, drop in IRA balance, economy, finances, Millennials, Plan B, role model, stock market, student loan, transitioning into retirement, Whose Couch Is It Anyway
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Caring for the Caregiver
I recently participated in a forum dedicated to Baby Boomers caring for growing children and aging parents. If you’re a member of the Sandwich Generation, you may be interested in listening to some PODCASTS. You’ll find interesting panel discussions about Boomerang Kids, longterm caregiving and being stuck in the middle, all packed full of compassion, ideas and resources. The statistics are staggering: over 40 million Americans provide care for loved ones who are unable to care for themselves. At times these struggles call for total devotion. And according to AARP, the collective … Continue reading