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Tag Archives: optimism
Take off your Mask and Take Care of You
Are you a Sandwiched Boomer facing the challenges of parents growing older and children growing up? If so, you’re probably changing your mask throughout your busy day – and if not that, certainly your attitude and facial expression. But you can harmonize your feelings with the face you show the world. Bring congruency into your life. Notice that when you feel one way and act another, you’re out of sorts. Work on synchronicity – that is, making what you feel match what you do. Integrate your core values and personal … Continue reading
Optimistic Women have Lower Risk of Heart Disease
Need a reason to look on the bright side? In a recent study of women 50 years and older, the participants were asked to answer a standard questionnaire that measured optimistic tendencies based on responses to statements like “In uncertain times, I expect the worst.” Those scoring highest in optimism on this scale were more likely to be alive eight years later, while those with the lowest, most pessimistic scores were more likely to have died from any cause, including heart disease. Apparently pessimism may be as bad as having … Continue reading
Posted in your self
Tagged attitude, cardiovascular health, cope with stress, exercise, heart disease, optimism, support network
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NBCAM and Dealing with Breast Cancer
As women move through the steps of coping with breast cancer and its treatments, many find that staying informed and involved in the process gives them a sense of power and resiliency. Here are some more tips to help you take charge of your life. Redirect yourself toward active goal setting. When a serious illness strikes, you may feel like your life is completely out of control. To regain a sense of direction, reflect on what priorities are important to you and then set a goal within your reach. Identify … Continue reading
Video Tips for Keeping Your Perspective in a Recession
Redefining a crisis as a challenge gives you the power to begin, step by step, coping with the situation. See the changes you need to make in this recession as the opportunity to create a more fulfilling life for yourself and your family. Recognizing your strengths and resources keeps you optimistic and resilient. Click on the video for 10-second tips about keeping your perspective in this recession. For more tips about how to stay positive during this economic recession, click on the title above. It will link you to www.HerMentorCenter.com … Continue reading