Tag Archives: inertia

Hitting a bull’s eye

If you’ve been putting off implementing your New Year’s resolutions, know that you’re not alone. Studies estimate that 20% of adults are chronic procrastinators. But rather than beating yourself up over your lack of progress – as you’ve probably done in the past – why not get past your inertia and try something new this year to get you going? All that self-blame didn’t really get you anywhere before, it just made you feel even worse. And the more negative your emotions, the less likely that you’ll actually overcome obstacles … Continue reading

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Breaking the Inertia and Beginning Your Walks

Now that you’ve taken the time for some honest self-reflection about your New Year’s resolutions, have you identified what’s holding you back? Until you recognize what’s causing the obstacles, you can’t begin to map out a plan to implement your walking program. Here are some things to consider: Photo courtesy of graur codrin at FreeDigitalPhotos.net Have you actually committed to a walking plan? Your family and friends can provide a sounding board as well as the motivation to begin and stay with your stated objectives. Putting your goals in black … Continue reading

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Becoming Your Own Expert

Are you tired of hearing the same ole, same oleā€¦the “experts” telling you what to do? Everywhere you look this time of year, you can find someone waxing on about what kind of New Year’s resolutions to set for yourself and how to achieve them. But really, don’t you know yourself better than anyone else does? So how about treating yourself as the expert for a change and listen to your own voice. Photo by L.E. Erickson – Flickr.com You don’t need to have anyone lecture you that adding a … Continue reading

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Develop Your Personal Health Plan

The Association of American Medical Colleges reported last week that the shortage of physicians is expected to worsen due to the U.S. healthcare reform plan that became law last spring. Their Center for Workforce Studies released a projection that shortages will be 50% worse than estimated earlier. Rather than lacking 39,600 doctors by 2015, the United States will actually be short 63,000 physicians, given the extra patients entering the system. With fewer doctors available, you will need to make some changes in the way you take care of yourself. Now … Continue reading

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