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Tag Archives: traditions
Family Transitions
When your Millennials left home, were you more worried about their being comfortable in college or your adjustment to their absence? Navigating transitions can be complicated. Yet when you let go of hands-on mothering, you’re free to begin a new chapter. Imagine creating a more grown-up nest, igniting old passions or embracing deferred goals. This transition signifies the end of an era when the house was full of growing children and activity. Try to visualize more simplicity and less chaos. Think about cleaning out drawers and closets, giving away stuff no … Continue reading
Posted in adult children, well-being, your self
Tagged emotional reactions, empty nest, family, feelings, loss, Millennials, mothering, priorities, self awareness, traditions, transitions, values
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What We Can Learn from Japan about Respect
Looking over my pictures from a recent trip to Japan (click on photos to enlarge) got me thinking about this centuries-old culture. It’s a beautiful country with a certain set of characteristics that make it seem insular, cohesive and unique. There is a tight-knit social fabric, no immigration and the only spoken language is Japanese. With over 34 million people in Tokyo and the surrounding areas, it’s amazingly well organized. Trains and subways run exactly on time, like a Swiss clock. You don’t see any graffiti in common areas or … Continue reading
Posted in extended family, stress, well-being
Tagged gaman, good manners, harmony with nature, hospitality, Japan, Japanese culture, moral standards, omotenashi, photos, rituals, ryokans, strict rules, traditions, travel, Zen Buddhism
Wrapping Your Head Around Moving
Our priorities and needs are changing as we prepare to move. Downsizing once again, we face the challenge of fitting our treasures into a smaller space. And keeping it simple seems to be the way to go. I still love to turn the pages as I read, yet there’s a growing list of books on my e-reader. And I know that the piles of articles I always intended to reference are now easily accessible on the Internet. As we sift through and make choices–which cherished objects to keep and those to let … Continue reading
Posted in adult children, stress, well-being, your self
Tagged brain, children, downsizing, family history, heirlooms, journaling, keepsakes, memories, moving, neural pathways, teens, traditions, values
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The Holidays and the Gift of Time
We invite you to visit our website, HerMentorCenter.com. The articles, newsletters and videos you’ll discover there are full of easy to implement strategies for you, members of the sandwich generation facing the challenges of parents growing older and kids growing up. Please accept this gift from us – join the email list to the left of this post and begin to receive a free monthly newsletter with practical solutions to the problems of a family in flux. And you can also download a complimentary ebook on how to reach your … Continue reading
Posted in your self
Tagged Christmas, family, friends, gifts, Hanukah, HerMentorCenter.com, holidays, Kwanzaa, Sandwich Generation, traditions
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