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Tag Archives: stress
Love and Simple Acts of Kindness
Think about when you and your partner fell in love. That alchemy continues throughout life, and how we treat each other matters. We can change neural functions when we’re more compassionate. And holding hands is enough to reduce stress. The possibilities for opening our hearts are endless: Express gratitude. If you notice a caring gesture or a job well done, why not mention it? You may be pleasantly surprised at what you get in return. Inject humor. Lightheartedness is often the first casualty of a busy life. Humor, playfulness and … Continue reading
Posted in intimate partner, stress, well-being, your self
Tagged compassion, euphoria, gratitude, humor, love, marriage, oxytocin, partners, relationships, stress
Can Workplace Stress Ever Be Good?
Just as you were getting comfortable with your lunchtime “ohms” to reduce daily job stress comes word from business school researchers that stress can actually be good for you. Not the kind that raises blood pressure, attacks the immune system, and causes you to lose sleep, but the kind that motivates you to achieve goals, especially those at work. Changing your attitudes and expectations about stress can modify your responses to new stressful events. Learning how to redefine stress as a challenge ahead of time can limit the increases in … Continue reading
Posted in stress, well-being, your self
Tagged adrenaline, attitude, career, challenge, control, crisis, expectations, fear, goals, growth, immune system, objectives, self confidence, stress, support, work
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Stress and Sandwich Generation Moms
Women in the sandwich generation, squeezed between parents growing older and kids growing up, often feel like a trapeze artist on a tightrope. According to research findings, this group of moms experience more stress than any other cohort. Do you think this applies to your life? It does if you’re often frustrated and irritable, having physical symptoms, anxious or worried about getting it all done, tired but not sleeping well, neglecting your own needs. As we struggle to balance work life with caring for family and taking care of ourselves, … Continue reading
Coping with a Loss
The post on coping with a loss that appeared here earlier this week was written before the terrible bombing at the Boston Marathon. Sadly that event, causing deaths and huge numbers of very serious injuries, shattered our hopes and expectations for a peaceful springtime. It was an attack on our homeland in a very personal way, as we witnessed the devastating results, shocked victims and physical destruction. But what we also saw was heroic behavior by bystanders, first responders and hospital trauma teams. We learned of the cooperative, inclusive actions … Continue reading
Posted in stress, well-being, your self
Tagged bombing, Boston Marathon, coping, heroic, resilience, stress, support, threat, tragedy, trauma
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