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Tag Archives: kidult
cheers and tears
When football is involved, I must confess that I inevitably find myself rooting for the clock. But when the game is the Super Bowl, I’m also cheering for the commercials. And this year was no exception. Again, the most successful ones were those that tugged at the heart and focused on the value of relationships – especially those involving puppies and Clydesdales. When those relationships are between you and your Millennial, do things get more complex? If you want to improve the generation gap in your family, here are three … Continue reading
Posted in adult children, parenting kids, stress, well-being, your self
Tagged boomerang, communication, economic, family, finances, generation gap, kids, kidult, Millennial, parent, relationships, resilience, stress, Super Bowl commercials, support
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Generations in 2015
Now that we are ensconced in the new year of 2015, we’re getting closer to finding a name for the generation born after 2000. Some ideas that have been floated are Generation Z, the iGeneration, Gen Tech, and 2K’s, among others. The generation born just before them, between 1980 and 2000, were previously known as Gen Y or Echo Boomers but are now known simply as Millennials. At approximately 80 million strong in the United States, they are the largest generation in the country, comprising almost 25% of the total … Continue reading
Posted in adult children, parenting kids, your self
Tagged Baby Boomers, boomerang, connect, digital technology, economy, family, Gen X, generation, job, kidult, Millennials, narcissism, social media, student loan, support, unemployed
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No Resolutions for Moms of Millennials
As you begin the New Year, you may decide not to make any resolutions for 2015. According to conventional wisdom, they usually don’t work. If you’re the Mom of a Millennial who has boomeranged back home, try to accept the status quo for now. Of course, you’re reluctant to turn your new office back into a bedroom. But if your kidult has huge student loans to pay off and can’t find a job, living at home may be the best option. For some practical tips CLICK HERE. Having unrealistic expectations can be the greatest … Continue reading
Posted in adult children, parenting kids, stress, well-being
Tagged 2015, adultolescent, blog, Boomerang kids, career, economy, empty nest, family in flux, goals, jobs, journaling, kidult, Millennials, moms, new years, resolutions, student loans, support
Our Men – Boys Will Be Boys
Are the guys being found out or getting a bum rap? Little boys are cute and funny as they barrel through their young lives. But the rumor is that they lose some of their appeal when they refuse to grow up. It’s been referred to as the Peter Pan syndrome – men who continue to act childlike in their relationships, resist taking on responsibilities and instead focus on the pursuit of pleasure. Now research completed in England has concluded that, on the average, males tend to ‘grow up’ slower than … Continue reading
Posted in intimate partner, well-being, your self
Tagged adult, boys, communication, grown up, immature, kidult, mature, men, Peter Pan, relationship, women
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