Tag Archives: adult

Our Men – Boys Will Be Boys

Are the guys being found out or getting a bum rap? Little boys are cute and funny as they barrel through their young lives. But the rumor is that they lose some of their appeal when they refuse to grow up. It’s been referred to as the Peter Pan syndrome – men who continue to act childlike in their relationships, resist taking on responsibilities and instead focus on the pursuit of pleasure.  Now research completed in England has concluded that, on the average, males tend to ‘grow up’ slower than … Continue reading

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Staycations Tips for Grown-Ups

Yesterday we looked at staycation ideas you can enjoy with the whole family. Most of them work just as well for you alone – visiting museums, libraries, community events or enjoying the great outdoors. Here are some additional ideas, just for grown-ups. See a local theater production. Community playhouses often have revivals of classics, musicals or innovative avant guard shows. You can explore small theaters in your city or line up for rush, discounted tickets at the more well-established ones. Create a summer book club. Talk with some friends who … Continue reading

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