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Tag Archives: healing
Healing and Resilience
Tragically, events across America seem to be defining these times as the summer of hate. Divisive rhetoric has spilled over into bloody violence and shootings on all sides during the long weeks. Where are we going as a society with this painful spiral of animosity? Healing, however difficult, can stop the cycle and become a positive response to the pain we feel. When we band together as a nation, we can find common ground and overcome our grief, moving towards peace and reconciliation. We saw such role models last summer … Continue reading
Posted in parenting kids, stress, well-being, your self
Tagged bloody violence, building trust, defeat, forgiveness, hate, healing, optimism, parents, reconciliation, resiliency, role models
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Robin Williams: The Mask of Humor
Beloved actor Robin Williams struggled with depression and substance abuse throughout his illustrious career, and recently was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. On Monday, August 11, he committed suicide at the age of 63. We all wear masks at one time or another, pretending that everything is OK. It’s common to hide our personal pain. But the bad feelings don’t just disappear. Whether you’re facing a financial crisis, giving up roles that define you, or adjusting to great loss and a new reality, examine how to deal with what’s missing. Decide what … Continue reading
Posted in stress, well-being, your self
Tagged anger, crisis, depression, frustration, healing, humor, masks, pain, Robin Williams, SAD, substance abuse, suffering, suicide, support, therapist
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We Remember 9/11
Whereas it was 12 years ago, that horrifying and heartbreaking day is still clearly etched in our collective memory. The national psyche changed forever on September 11, 2001. Today, once again, the New York anniversary ceremony took on the familiarity of ritual. There were family members reading the names of those who lost their lives, time to reflect, moments of silence. I can picture the collapsing towers and hand-held flyers with with smiling faces of loved ones. What powerful images of despair, suffering and staggering loss. But I also recall so … Continue reading
Posted in stress, well-being, your self
Tagged 9/11, family, fear, healing, heroism, memorial, New York, PTSD, ritual, stress, vulnerable
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Healing Family Wounds
Tuesday’s blog post focused on how divorce and parenting style can cause a breach in your relationship with your adult children. As a marriage and family therapist, I know there are all kinds of reasons why parents and adult children become distant. The experts used to think that negative behavior was due to bad parenting. But decent parents can raise difficult kids. Some may have a demanding temperament from birth, are harder to parent or are less responsive to influence. It’s been said that you’re only as happy as your least … Continue reading
Posted in adult children, aging parents, extended family, intimate partner, parenting kids, sandwich generation, stress, well-being, your self
Tagged " adult children, family counseling, family reunions, family wounds, healing, negative behavior, parents, relationships, siblings, sisters
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