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Tag Archives: control
Coping with the Unhappiest Day of the Year
Earlier this week, we experienced what has traditionally been dubbed “the unhappiest day of the year.” For those in the Northern Hemisphere, January is often the most depressing month: the days are cold, the nights long, bills from the holidays have arrived, and we’ve already broken many of our New Year’s resolutions. So what can we do – this week – to cheer up, take on a different approach and make the choice to move forward? Here are some strategies that work for me when I’m dealing with hassles. Give … Continue reading
Posted in stress, well-being, your self
Tagged control, exercise, goals, gratitude, helplessness, opportunity, relaxation strategies, resiliency, stress, tension, unhappiness, wellbeing, winter, workout
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Resilience After 9/11
This week on September 11, Americans commemorated the 11th anniversary of the horrendous terrorist attacks on the homeland. The same day, violence was again directed at Americans, this time at a consulate and an embassy. While terrorists may believe these assaults will break the will and spirit of America, the people have instead broken through a wall of despair and responded with resilience and determination. What are some of the ways we all have meet these challenges? Monday we focused on two ways to help build resilience – drawing on … Continue reading
Posted in stress, well-being, your self
Tagged 9/11, adversity, challenge, control, family, friends, loss, optimism, perspective, relationship, resilience, stress reduction, support, trauma
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Reaching Out
In America, we’ve received another blow to the gut as we are reminded of how lives can change in an instant. The horrific shootings in Aurora, Colorado cast a pale over what was meant to be an entertaining evening respite. Over the weekend, information flowed in from the media, putting individual faces on the victims and outlining many heroic actions of people attempting to shield others from harm and helping those who were already injured. Ironically, one young woman who was killed, Jessica Ghawi, had earlier survived another shooting at a mall … Continue reading
Caution, Curves Ahead
Last week, I was driving down one of the canyons in Los Angeles, quickly moving the steering wheel left and right as the road twisted and turned. It was like playing an arcade game, trying to keep your car on the virtual road, going as fast as you can. In those videos, the sharp curves keep switching and obstacles suddenly appear, causing you to crash and burn if you’re not reacting fast enough. It may be fun to play on a screen but what about when life itself mirrors this … Continue reading
Posted in sandwich generation, your self
Tagged aging parents, challenge, control, emotions, Financial storm, growing children, guilt, illusion, life, obstacle, resources, Sandwiched Boomer, strategies, stress