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Tag Archives: stress reduction
Some Good News, for a Change
Are you ready for an upbeat newsflash? With all of the negativity between competing Presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, and the continuing stories of worldwide terrorism, it’s refreshing to learn about a positive story in the media. Two years ago, I blogged about how the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, publicized on social media, had raised $115 million dollars over the summer to fund research into ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis). Now, we learn that “ProjectMinE,” partially sponsored by these contributions, has identified a genetic factor associated with familial ALS. … Continue reading
Posted in well-being, your self
Tagged ALS, charity, dark chocolate, gratitude, helpers high, Ice Bucket Challenge, Millennials, optimism, self esteem, stress reduction, volunteering
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Sandwich Generation Resources
Did you know that, although the term “Sandwich Generation” has been in the Merriam Webster dictionary for only 9 years, it was first coined nearly 25 years ago to describe those caring for their growing children and aging parents? Or that the average Sandwich Generation couple spends $10,000 a year, as well as over 25 hours a week, in their care-giving roles? With more Boomerang Kids returning home, the number of those financially supporting both their grown children and their parents has grown to one-quarter of all adults. Baby Boomers … Continue reading
Posted in adult children, aging parents, sandwich generation, stress, your self
Tagged " adult children, aging parents, Baby Boomers, Boomerang kids, caregiving, community resources, family, Forum, Generation X, growing children, KNX 1070 radio, Sandwich Generation, stress reduction, support groups
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Resilience After 9/11
This week on September 11, Americans commemorated the 11th anniversary of the horrendous terrorist attacks on the homeland. The same day, violence was again directed at Americans, this time at a consulate and an embassy. While terrorists may believe these assaults will break the will and spirit of America, the people have instead broken through a wall of despair and responded with resilience and determination. What are some of the ways we all have meet these challenges? Monday we focused on two ways to help build resilience – drawing on … Continue reading
Posted in stress, well-being, your self
Tagged 9/11, adversity, challenge, control, family, friends, loss, optimism, perspective, relationship, resilience, stress reduction, support, trauma
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