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Tag Archives: compromise
Resilience Crosses Political Lines
Despite the calls by both sides to draw the country together, the recent Republican and Democratic Presidential nominating conventions have each stressed partisan rhetoric, appealing to their bases. Some speeches were soaring, others angry, some fact-filled, others vague, some pointing fingers over past actions, others promising future efforts. But the one that was the most inspiring to the greatest number of Americans was only 31 words long and was given by an ex-three-term Representative. When Gabby Giffords led the Pledge of Allegiance, there wasn’t a dry eye in the hall … Continue reading
Posted in stress, well-being, your self
Tagged challenge, compromise, convention, Democratic, fear, Gabby, Gabrielle Giffords, House, pledge of allegiance, Republican, resilience, role model, speech, strength, worry
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Improving Your Relationship for Valentine’s Day
With research statistics still indicating that one out of every two marriages in the United States ends in divorce, you can beat the odds by resolving this Valentine’s Day to work on improving your marriage.Photo by Clare Bloomfield / Freedigitalphotos.net Instead of letting your arguments spiral out of control, vow to use fair fighting techniques and put your differences behind you before you go to bed at night. Here are some tips to get you started: Believe in your ability to change as a couple. When you make a pact … Continue reading
Posted in intimate partner
Tagged anger, boomer couples, brain chemicals, compromise, divorce, dopamine, fighting fair, forgiveness, love, marriage, oxytocin, stress, valentines day
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Cuddling on Valentine’s Day
With record snow on the east coast and heavy rainstorms on the west, what better to do than cuddle for warmth with a loved one? Last week we looked at how singles can thrive on Valentine’s Day. This week we focus on couples and how to bring you closer. Contrary to the new film, Valentine’s Day, love alone does not guarantee the success of a close relationship. It also takes a willingness to work on building stronger connections through commitment and communication. Remind yourselves of the commitment you made and … Continue reading
Posted in intimate partner, sandwich generation
Tagged commitment, communication, compromise, couples, date night, family in flux, romance, Sandwiched Boomers, valentines day
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Sandwich Generation:Resolve to Get Along
As members of the Sandwich Generation, your plates are already full with responsibilities for your growing children and aging parents. But remember that you and your love relationship needs nourishment too, especially if you’re feeling stressed. When you’re not sure how to handle it, these tips may help you out: Compromise works in most conflicts. Be direct, yet open and flexible as you make your way through disagreements. Putting yourself in your partner’s shoes and truly understanding the other point of view can resolve a conflict more easily and quickly. … Continue reading