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Category Archives: well-being
For the Love of Giving Back
Today is Valentine’s Day, so why don’t we celebrate all kinds of social bonds? Whether you’re partnered or single, connecting through giving back can strengthen and enriches everyone. And the whole is much greater than the sum of its parts. I have just returned from volunteering on the island of St. Lucia in the Caribbean, where a dedicated and collaborative team worked in a community that welcomed us with open arms. It wasn’t a two year commitment to the Peace Corps so you may see it as a drop … Continue reading
Milestones not set in stone
I’ve been thinking about milestones a lot lately as I just celebrated another landmark birthday. Crossing from one personal decade into another is a significant event and takes on a life of its own. Connecting with friends who are also making this transition has managed to help us all focus on what we’ve gained over the years – memories, perspective, wisdom – rather than on what we’ve lost – agility, some energy, our youth! My personal age marker coincided with a milestone the stock market reached last Friday, when the … Continue reading
Posted in well-being, your self
Tagged birthday, choices, control, Dow Jones, family, friends, job, milestone, motivation, news, opportunity, serendipity
Digital Detox and Beautiful Sunsets
Imagine two weeks without an iPhone, Google maps, or conversing in 140 characters. Do you think you’d feel cut off or perhaps be relieved? Maybe it will allow you more time to reflect, come up with novel ideas, or even express yourself verbally. I’m ready to separate my work and personal life. I want to have less stress about my inbox, clear my mind, and experience more personal conversations. As the constant flow of receiving, processing and sending information has become a reality, the trend of vacations from digital technology … Continue reading
Coping with the Unhappiest Day of the Year
Earlier this week, we experienced what has traditionally been dubbed “the unhappiest day of the year.” For those in the Northern Hemisphere, January is often the most depressing month: the days are cold, the nights long, bills from the holidays have arrived, and we’ve already broken many of our New Year’s resolutions. So what can we do – this week – to cheer up, take on a different approach and make the choice to move forward? Here are some strategies that work for me when I’m dealing with hassles. Give … Continue reading
Posted in stress, well-being, your self
Tagged control, exercise, goals, gratitude, helplessness, opportunity, relaxation strategies, resiliency, stress, tension, unhappiness, wellbeing, winter, workout
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