Tag Archives: technology

Digital Detox and Beautiful Sunsets

Imagine two weeks without an iPhone, Google maps, or conversing in 140 characters. Do you think you’d feel cut off or perhaps be relieved? Maybe it will allow you more time to reflect, come up with novel ideas, or even express yourself verbally. I’m ready to separate my work and personal life. I want to have less stress about my inbox, clear my mind, and experience more personal conversations. As the constant flow of receiving, processing and sending information has become a reality, the trend of vacations from digital technology … Continue reading

Posted in adult children, aging parents, intimate partner, parenting kids, sandwich generation, stress, well-being, your self | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Support for Parents

Now that Labor Day has passed and summer is officially over, are your kids back in school? Before you begin the new cycle of carpools, homework, sports and after school activities, this might be a good time to step back and think about parenting and where you can look for support when you’re facing the inevitable challenges of raising children. It seems like there are always issues with your kids no matter what age or level of school. Here are some questions for you and resources we’ve put together to … Continue reading

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Finding Peace of Mind

Want to experience a sacred space in your hectic daily life? If technology now has the upper hand, begin to disconnect and find moments of mental tranquility. What follows are some tips on how to decrease your stress.  Begin to journal. Unplug your electronic devices, pick up a pen and start to write. Putting thoughts out of your mind and onto paper gets rid of the noise in your head. By not censoring yourself, you can tap into your unconscious. Writing is cathartic and allows you to release pent up feelings. It’s a great process to help … Continue reading

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Steve Jobs: 8 Practical Insights

Steve Jobs, the technology innovator who created the Mac, iPod iPhone and iPad, died of pancreatic cancer on October 5, 2011. He was born in 1955 to unwed graduate students – they later married and had a daughter, novelist Mona Simpson, whom Steve met as an adult. He grew up an only child and, at an early age, his adoptive parents taught him to read and nurtured his keen interest in electronics. He dropped out of Reed College after his first semester because he didn’t know what he wanted to … Continue reading

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