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Tag Archives: sleep disturbances
Moving through Menopause
Life is full of changes. And menopause is just one of these normal transitions. You may be in for a bumpy ride, challenged by physical and emotional symptoms. But this is a natural part of every woman’s life. Menopause is not an illness, and there are ways that you can manage: Hot flashes – dress in layers, sleep in a cool room, and avoid alcohol & spicy foods. Sleep disturbances– physical exercise, create a bedtime routine, relaxation and deep breathing. Memory issues– simplify your environment, make lists, concentrate on one … Continue reading
Posted in stress, well-being, your self
Tagged attitude, changes, hot flashes, memory loss, menopause, mood swings, sleep disturbances, transitions, women
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Helping Kids Feel Secure
The summer got away from us – one morning our grandsons were pitching sand balls into the lake, the next afternoon they were preparing their backpacks for school. Whereas Monday’s blog post focused on kids’ stress that comes from media coverage of trauma, there are lots of other situations that can make kids feel anxious – like the first day of school. Kids respond differently and the impact of any stressor depends on their personality, maturity, and coping mechanisms. Some have trouble explaining how they feel so it’s not always … Continue reading
Posted in parenting kids, your self
Tagged autonomy, coping mechanisms, first day of school, irritability, play, relationships, sleep disturbances, stress, support, trauma
Coping with Menopausal Symptoms
You’ve likely tried many techniques to deal with the annoying symptoms of perimenopause. Here are some that many Sandwiched Boomers find work for them. Try them, if you haven’t already, and see if they work for you. If hot flashes and night sweats plague you, join the gang. You can: dress in layers, have a personal fan handy to use whenever you need, sleep in a cool room at night, avoid alcohol, spicy foods and others that trigger a hot flash. Many women in perimenopause just can’t get a good … Continue reading