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Tag Archives: separation
Parents Refusing to Leave Campus
When you dropped your kids off at college, were you the one dragging your heels? This generation of parents has been described as clinging, especially when they refuse to leave the campus. In fact, a number of college administrators have introduced blunt language into orientation schedules, including a specific time to say goodbye. The message is clear: release your anxieties and your adult children to this adventure, and enjoy the ride yourself. The lesson, not taught in the traditional curriculum, is about letting go. Parenting expert, Michelle Borba, gives practical … Continue reading
After Separation: Taking Care of Yourself
After separation, all the major responsibilities that fall squarely on your shoulders can leave you feeling exhausted and stressed. Remember to take time to pamper yourself in whatever ways are most pleasurable. That may mean spending more time with friends, taking a mental health day from work or reducing the stress through meditation, yoga classes or exercise. Reaching out to others who are alone will put your situation more into perspective. Bake brownies with the kids and take them to the neighborhood fire station or invite an aging relative or … Continue reading
Posted in your self
Tagged divorce360.com, exercise, friendship, marriage, meditation, mental health day, separation, stressed, support
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The Support of Others after Separation
If you’re a sandwiched boomer who is recently separated, you now have even more on your plate. But the support of those you’ve taken care of can now care for you. And that can make a world of difference. This is a time for new beginnings. In the past, you may have repeated rituals together with your partner and as a family – weekend barbeques, annual vacations or holidays with relatives from both sides. But now it will be different. Keep your expectations realistic and continue the routines that are … Continue reading
Posted in extended family, your self
Tagged anxious, depressed, divorce360.com, friends, Her Mentor Center, new beginnings, resentments, Sandwiched Boomers, separation, support
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The New Normal after Separation
Do you want to know an unexpected finding from the Framingham Heart Study, conducted over six decades? Happiness is contagious and the secret may very well be in the connection. Social relationships correlate positively with happiness. If your friend becomes happy, that increases your probability by 15%. If you’ve recently separated from your partner, this can be a lonely time for you. Although your marriage may be over, it’s important that your children feel secure and know that you’ll be there for them. It may help if you let family … Continue reading