Tag Archives: free ebook

Tools for Coping with Roller Coaster Market

Are you unnerved by the current stock market’s dramatic volatility, with its wild swings down and up? If you’re feeling anxious about how the national and global economic unrest will affect your personal and family finances, you’re not alone. You may be rethinking how you will handle your planned retirement, your kids’ college educations, supporting your needy parents, even your day-to-day expenses. While we here at Nourishing Relationships and Her Mentor Center are not financial experts, we do have some coping tips that can help you deal with the emotional … Continue reading

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Women in the Sandwich Generation: Begin to Create a Plan for Your Future

Are you busy balancing your work and family life, raising kids and caring for aging parents? Although you’re likely making plans for your kids’ college and for your parents’ care right now, you need to also be thinking about what’s next for you. How ready are you? You may want to watch how Jeannie, a 48 year old new mom, is planning for her future. And see how Maryannhas put a long-term care plan in place, so her son won’t be in the stressful position she was as her mom … Continue reading

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Abby Sunderland: A Free Range Kid

When 16 year old Abby Sunderland attempted to become the youngest person to sail solo around the world, there was a lot of controversy – some called it reckless and accused her parents of child abuse. Others who think childhood quests are an endangered species applauded Abby’s confidence, sailing prowess and sense of adventure. You may be interested in learning more about Abby. Here MSNBC traces her journey through articles and video. And Abby talks about her love of the sea and sailing experience as well as her inspiration and … Continue reading

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Kids of Michael Jackson: Still Sad but Doing OK

At the anniversary of Michael Jackson’s death, his children are likely feeling the sadness that is typical for all of us when we lose someone we love. In her book, On Death and Dying, Dr. Elizabeth Kubler-Ross first identified the five stages of grief: denial, anger, bargaining, depression and, finally, acceptance. Working through these feelings is easier with the support of family. And it’s evident, in recent comments made by Katherine and Germaine, that the Jackson family is rallying around the children. ‘They’re spending time with their cousins and that … Continue reading

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