Tag Archives: museum

Community Connections

Political debates – both those between the candidates and those among our fellow citizens – have been especially bitter and contentious this year. The divide of opinions is often deep and wide, making conversation difficult. Many families have become internally split between two antagonistic positions, causing tension at family gatherings. Given these strains, the journey of the space shuttle Endeavour in Los Angeles has been a welcome experience, drawing a diverse community together in united celebration of its achievements. I was one of thousands of Angelenos waiting on the streets … Continue reading

Posted in extended family, well-being, your self | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Summer Family Staycations

With the effects of the recession hitting government agencies as well as individual families, are you wondering where to turn for help entertaining your kids this summer? In California, the situation is especially difficult. Summer school has been cancelled throughout most of the state and various state parks are also closing. City and county governments are cutting down on the hours certain services are provided, as are municipal governments. So if you need to engage your children this summer, here are some tips for you: Make good use of your … Continue reading

Posted in extended family, sandwich generation, your self | Tagged , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Two readers used the comment section yesterday to tell us about their family staycations. Elaine talked about how she and her kids would go to their favorite creek watering hole, called “Flat Rocks” and just hang out for the afternoon – swimming, lazing in the sun, splashing while she read a good book. “Family time was what it’s all about,” she said. Another comment was about how their family enjoyed making videos, pretending they were television shows – everyone, including the children, got to participate. Both of these women were … Continue reading

Posted in aging parents, parenting kids, sandwich generation | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments