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Tag Archives: marriage
Financial Uncertainty can Trigger Marital Problems
Are you and your spouse worried in these times of financial uncertainty? During any economic crisis, couples have to face tough financial decisions. This can lead to an increase in stress and exacerbate problems that may already exist in your marriage. Identify what you are feeling. As a first step, write down the emotions that now regularly surface. What is happening between you and your partner when you are feeling sad, scared, overwhelmed, embarrassed or frustrated? Chances are you have emotions ranging from disappointment to anger, and these are constantly … Continue reading
Jon and Kate on the Road to Divorce
The headlines read: “Jon and Kate ready to litigate?” It was followed by confirmation that the Gosselins, parents of eight and partners in the TV reality show Jon & Kate Plus 8, plan to legally dissolve their marriage. The celebrity gossip machine and fans of pop culture have been speculating about this issue for months. The much publicized episode where they announced the break up of their 10 year marriage hit an all time rating high. Jon and Kate’s physical separation has forced TLC to put production of the popular … Continue reading
PART 5 – Thelma and Her Daughter Together
In years to come, Joanna never said a word to her mother about the incident, even though she did marry Clive. At the wedding Thelma vowed sobriety to herself so strictly that she ended up completely plastered by nine in the evening, lying in the arms of a man dressed in a green suit, who suggested that they engage in lewd acts in the back seat of his Toyota. The marriage lasted just under a year. Joanna could not find a job as a professor and so became a real … Continue reading
Posted in your self
Tagged A.R. Taylor, Joanna, lonecamel.com, marriage, mother, sobriety, Thelma
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How Sandwiched Boomers Can Prevent Divorce
As sandwiched boomers, you and your partner are individuals who each have a mind of your own. What you want may have changed since you first tied the knot. And the present economic meltdown probably adds to the pressures in the relationship. But that doesn’t mean you can’t make shifts that will relieve some of the stress. And you don’t have to accept the possibility of divorce. By taking the first steps, you can help strengthen your partner’s trust in you – and the future of your marriage. Support each … Continue reading
Posted in intimate partner, sandwich generation
Tagged attitude, commitment, divorce, emotional support, family stress, marriage, Sandwiched Boomers
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