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Tag Archives: independence
Launching Your Boomerang Kids
One quarter of the 80 million Millennials have boomeranged home. It’s common in today’s society. What’s a parent to do? If your kidults have huge college loans and no job, you can’t turn them away. You may consider this generation’s long transition into adulthood a gift, with extra family time and connection. But it’s also necessary to put ground rules in place and set objectives so they’re working toward greater independence. Readings from our library can help you navigate this transition Sometimes it feels like the only constant is change. … Continue reading
Posted in adult children, stress, your self
Tagged Boomerang kids, college, family, goals, ground rules, independence, kidults, Millennials, mom, parents, relationships, roles, stress, transitions, Whose Couch Is It Anyway
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Our Millennials and Transition
Life is not linear–it loops around and repeats itself. And when the past presents again, it inspires us to learn more about what to do next. Take Millennials, for example. Some leave home more than once, going back and forth, with small steps each time. Practice makes perfect. And these cumulative experiences prepare them for the ultimate transition into adulthood. At some level, summer camp is the first step toward greater autonomy. Because our kids’ leave-taking is only temporary, we welcome the break from our daily routine. But we know … Continue reading
A New Spring Perspective
This spring try out a new perspective as you look at the world in a fresh, new way. You’ll be better able to see what has been holding you back from committing to the shifts you want to make. Just as delicate flowers renew their blooms each year, you too can push through your hesitation and become your full, authentic self. On Monday, we talked about the value of opening yourself up to new ways of doing things and focusing on the real world experiences around you. Here are two … Continue reading
Posted in well-being, your self
Tagged authentic self, begin, change, holiday, independence, perspective, shifts, spring, world
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Helicopter Parents: Give Your Kids the Gift of Independence
Do you recognize yourself – hovering over your kids’ lives, kind of on the fringe and not really letting them figure it out on their own? The best thing you can do is give them more responsibility and have them handle their own issues without stepping in. Try to let go a little at a time. Minimize financial assistance. Sure, you need to be responsible for the basic necessities. But give your children a weekly allowance and, beginning in high school, encourage them to get part-time jobs. They need to … Continue reading