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Tag Archives: financial assistance
Abby Sunderland: A Free Range Kid
When 16 year old Abby Sunderland attempted to become the youngest person to sail solo around the world, there was a lot of controversy – some called it reckless and accused her parents of child abuse. Others who think childhood quests are an endangered species applauded Abby’s confidence, sailing prowess and sense of adventure. You may be interested in learning more about Abby. Here MSNBC traces her journey through articles and video. And Abby talks about her love of the sea and sailing experience as well as her inspiration and … Continue reading
Posted in parenting kids
Tagged Abby Sunderland, financial assistance, free ebook, Huffington Post, micromanage, MSNBC, parents, Politics Daily, problem solve, teenagers, videos, wanderlust
Helicopter Parents: Give Your Kids the Gift of Independence
Do you recognize yourself – hovering over your kids’ lives, kind of on the fringe and not really letting them figure it out on their own? The best thing you can do is give them more responsibility and have them handle their own issues without stepping in. Try to let go a little at a time. Minimize financial assistance. Sure, you need to be responsible for the basic necessities. But give your children a weekly allowance and, beginning in high school, encourage them to get part-time jobs. They need to … Continue reading