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Tag Archives: grandchildren
With the school year over and the camp season about to begin, this week in-between is perfect for three generational family vacations. We figured it’s a good time for us to focus on what is known as the Club Sandwich Generation. As the offspring of Baby Boomers marry and start their own families, the responsibilities of the Sandwich Generation grow. You’re already in the middle of your family in flux – squeezed between children growing up and parents growing older. Now another layer is added, the grandchildren. The sandwich is … Continue reading
As we finish up our posts on Sandwiched Boomers caring for their grandchildren, here are some final tips: Do whatever is necessary to maintain familiarity and continuity in the lives of your grandchildren. By nurturing them and stabilizing their environment, they’ll begin to feel more secure. The structure in their lives and the support you give them will relieve their feelings of anxiety and stress. Children are resilient – as you model positive thinking and hope, they will thrive. Whether their troubling behavior stems from a hunger inside that needs … Continue reading
What do you think about celebrities and the media frenzy – especially the focus on B-list bad girls who put the best interests of their children at stake. If young parents act irresponsibly and are unable to care for their children, is it up to their own parents – often hard working, card carrying members of the Sandwich Generation – to step in? An increasing number of boomer grandparents are assuming greater care-giving and financial responsibilities for their grandchildren. Recent statistics indicate that more than 2.9 million grandparents are raising … Continue reading
Some Sandwiched Boomers have developed innovative means of connecting with their grandchildren, using talents they didn’t even know they had. Let your own creative juices run wild as you reach out to them. On a lark, Sara wrote a poem for her grandson on his first birthday. It reviewed the things she had done with him – watching his first smiles, seeing him sit up and eat in his high chair, having him crawl to her, holding his hand as he learned to walk. She found that she enjoyed the … Continue reading
Posted in aging parents, sandwich generation, well-being, your self
Tagged grandchildren, Grandparents, movie, poetry, Sandwich Generation, Sandwiched Boomers
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