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Tag Archives: foreclosure
Grandparents and Adult Grandkids Bonding Can Lower Depression for Both
The number of grandparents raising grandkids surged during the Great Recession. In 2011, according to a Pew Research Center report, grandparents were the main caregivers for more than 3 million children. There are still many reasons why this is necessary today – military service, untimely death, incarceration, substance abuse, mental illness or problems with layoffs and foreclosures. The second Sunday in September is always Grandparents’ Day. But every day is a good time to celebrate caring across the generations. For many of us growing up, our grandparents were the … Continue reading
The Election, the Economy and You
News about the economy continues to be gloomy. Unemployment figures still languish near 10 percent, home foreclosures persist unabated and bankruptcy is the only feasible alternative for many Americans. As the election season moves into high gear, it reflects the mantra of 1992, “it’s the economy, stupid.” Funds are hard to come by and even battered ones are appreciated. Actually thriving during an economic crisis may be impossible to achieve, but you can learn techniques to help you deal with these difficult times. All this week, you’ll find video tips … Continue reading
The Empty Nest in Tough Economic Times
These are tough times, with so many baby boomers suffering from unemployment, money problems and foreclosure. There are plenty of reasons to feel anxious and sad. And if you’re dealing with the empty nest, that may feel like the last straw. Give yourself an emotional break and see what happens. Understand that even though your kids have moved out, you’re still needed although not in the same way. Letting go of your parenting responsibilities means letting go of the family role you’ve played so far. Sit back and breathe in … Continue reading
Families today are facing a new kind of housing crisis as the economy continues to spiral downward. When one spouse in a two-career marriage loses a job, making the monthly mortgage payment becomes difficult, especially for Sandwiched Boomers. Senior citizens who have been able to pay for housing from their retirement accounts find they must cut back on that expense when their retirement funds are down by 20%. When a mortgage that began with an artificially low interest figure calls for a rate increase or a balloon payment, the cost … Continue reading
Posted in sandwich generation, your self
Tagged economic turmoil, family, financial crisis, foreclosure, housing, mortgage, Sandwiched Boomers