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Tag Archives: family in flux
No Resolutions for Moms of Millennials
As you begin the New Year, you may decide not to make any resolutions for 2015. According to conventional wisdom, they usually don’t work. If you’re the Mom of a Millennial who has boomeranged back home, try to accept the status quo for now. Of course, you’re reluctant to turn your new office back into a bedroom. But if your kidult has huge student loans to pay off and can’t find a job, living at home may be the best option. For some practical tips CLICK HERE. Having unrealistic expectations can be the greatest … Continue reading
Posted in adult children, parenting kids, stress, well-being
Tagged 2015, adultolescent, blog, Boomerang kids, career, economy, empty nest, family in flux, goals, jobs, journaling, kidult, Millennials, moms, new years, resolutions, student loans, support
Goodbye to Kids at College, Hello to Yourself
If your kids are settled into college by now, it’s time to catch your breath. How about luxuriating in a bubble bath or something equally unfamiliar? Don’t you deserve it after years of caring for your family in flux? And here are a few ideas to think about as you begin this new chapter: Discover your passion. What do you really value and care about? What do you imagine is your life purpose now? Take advantage of the extra time and follow your dream of returning to school or changing … Continue reading
Posted in adult children, your self
Tagged college kids, complimentary eBooks, family in flux, HerMentorCenter.com, journaling, life purpose, parents, parents' weekend, role models, stress, yoga
Staying Warm on Valentine’s Day
With record snow throughout much of America and cold winds blowing, it may be hard to stay warm. If you’ve got someone to cozy up to, you know that love alone does not guarantee the success of a close relationship. It also takes work, commitment and communication to build strong connections. If the weather weren’t enough, couples today are dealing with huge stresses of all sorts – fears of economic meltdown, actual job loss, threats to safety and security, concerns about retirement finances, and, for Sandwiched Boomers, issues arising from … Continue reading
Strategies for Success at Work
Now the summer is over and the kids have gone back to school, are you thinking about re-charging your career? That might mean a renewed dedication to your current position, consideration of a job change, or starting your own business. If you’re re-entering the workforce after a layoff, the issues can be even more complex. But how do you find the time and energy to revive your career when you are also caring for growing children and aging parents – especially if you are a sandwiched boomer? Here are some … Continue reading