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Tag Archives: exercise
Coping with the Unhappiest Day of the Year
Earlier this week, we experienced what has traditionally been dubbed “the unhappiest day of the year.” For those in the Northern Hemisphere, January is often the most depressing month: the days are cold, the nights long, bills from the holidays have arrived, and we’ve already broken many of our New Year’s resolutions. So what can we do – this week – to cheer up, take on a different approach and make the choice to move forward? Here are some strategies that work for me when I’m dealing with hassles. Give … Continue reading
Posted in stress, well-being, your self
Tagged control, exercise, goals, gratitude, helplessness, opportunity, relaxation strategies, resiliency, stress, tension, unhappiness, wellbeing, winter, workout
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New Year’s Intentions
Even though the beginning of 2013 represents a fresh start, how about giving resolutions a rest this year and just trying to do our best? Resolution is such a strong word. It implies that what we were doing before was an issue we now have to resolve. Some of you may see intention as too tentative a word, but I happen to find it more user-friendly. It’s not an authority figure you have to rebel against. Nor a total commitment, requiring deprivation that inevitably leads to an urge to fill the … Continue reading
Managing, Not Marking, Time
As the year draws to a close, do you sometimes feel like time is getting away from you? I make list after list of what I want to accomplish each day – and often get a large chunk completed – but never seem to get everything done. Now that I make my lists on my PDA, it’s easier to just change the date and roll the reminders over to the next day. Yet the sense of satisfaction that I feel when I do finish a project is a great motivator … Continue reading
Vacations Make Us Happy
Spain is the kind of country I love to visit, where the medieval European feel is a world away from my own life. Cobblestone streets and trailing geraniums enhance the picture while colorful food markets, street performers and alfresco cafes add to the enchantment. The culture is different from what I know and the sights, smells and tastes are like a wakeup call to the senses. Who doesn’t love a vacation? One reader wrote that she’s the youngest of three girls and their time together this summer gave her “just … Continue reading
Posted in extended family, stress, well-being, your self
Tagged diet, European, exercise, good deeds, gratitude, happiness, positive attitude, quality of life, Spain, support system, vacations
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