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Tag Archives: complimentary eBooks
Travel Abroad: New Complications
Summertime and vacations go together. And it’s great to get away, have a change of pace and leave all worries behind – at least for a little while. Yet transition always involves stress – wrapping up work and pulling back from technology, the rigors of travel itself. With increased terrorism in today’s world, we experience even more pressure. Now there are many emotional layers, like fear and worry, that make you wonder if it wouldn’t be better to stay home. But that would be giving in. We’re just back from … Continue reading
Posted in stress, well-being, your self
Tagged Bastille Day, Belgium, complimentary eBooks, France, free newsletter, Germany, major terror attack, terrorism and stress, travel abroad, UNESCO world heritage site
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Want Halloween Treats Instead of Tricks?
On Halloween, you don’t have to dress up as a member of the Sandwich Generation – you likely already have that frazzled look about you. Caring for parents growing older and kids growing up can lead to stress and, in crisis, even depression. See if these practical insights can help with your negative emotions: Knowledge is power. Gather information about ways to deal with how you are feeling – explore Internet search engines and sites or the self-help section of your local bookstore. And talk with friends and family who … Continue reading
Goodbye to Kids at College, Hello to Yourself
If your kids are settled into college by now, it’s time to catch your breath. How about luxuriating in a bubble bath or something equally unfamiliar? Don’t you deserve it after years of caring for your family in flux? And here are a few ideas to think about as you begin this new chapter: Discover your passion. What do you really value and care about? What do you imagine is your life purpose now? Take advantage of the extra time and follow your dream of returning to school or changing … Continue reading
Posted in adult children, your self
Tagged college kids, complimentary eBooks, family in flux, HerMentorCenter.com, journaling, life purpose, parents, parents' weekend, role models, stress, yoga
Sandwiched Boomers: Our Gift to You
Just for today, please indulge us in a stroll down memory lane. It’s been 10 years since we published our first Stepping Stones newsletter and 5 years that we’ve been blogging here at Nourishing Relationships. Early on we discovered that the Internet was like the Wild West and we joined with other pioneers to build a thriving community. We’ve met some incredible women through our work and want to share narratives they wrote for issues of the newsletter, some dating way back to 2001. Read about joys and struggles of … Continue reading