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Category Archives: well-being
Some Good News, for a Change
Are you ready for an upbeat newsflash? With all of the negativity between competing Presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, and the continuing stories of worldwide terrorism, it’s refreshing to learn about a positive story in the media. Two years ago, I blogged about how the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, publicized on social media, had raised $115 million dollars over the summer to fund research into ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis). Now, we learn that “ProjectMinE,” partially sponsored by these contributions, has identified a genetic factor associated with familial ALS. … Continue reading
Posted in well-being, your self
Tagged ALS, charity, dark chocolate, gratitude, helpers high, Ice Bucket Challenge, Millennials, optimism, self esteem, stress reduction, volunteering
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Travel Abroad: New Complications
Summertime and vacations go together. And it’s great to get away, have a change of pace and leave all worries behind – at least for a little while. Yet transition always involves stress – wrapping up work and pulling back from technology, the rigors of travel itself. With increased terrorism in today’s world, we experience even more pressure. Now there are many emotional layers, like fear and worry, that make you wonder if it wouldn’t be better to stay home. But that would be giving in. We’re just back from … Continue reading
Posted in stress, well-being, your self
Tagged Bastille Day, Belgium, complimentary eBooks, France, free newsletter, Germany, major terror attack, terrorism and stress, travel abroad, UNESCO world heritage site
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Healing and Resilience
Tragically, events across America seem to be defining these times as the summer of hate. Divisive rhetoric has spilled over into bloody violence and shootings on all sides during the long weeks. Where are we going as a society with this painful spiral of animosity? Healing, however difficult, can stop the cycle and become a positive response to the pain we feel. When we band together as a nation, we can find common ground and overcome our grief, moving towards peace and reconciliation. We saw such role models last summer … Continue reading
Posted in parenting kids, stress, well-being, your self
Tagged bloody violence, building trust, defeat, forgiveness, hate, healing, optimism, parents, reconciliation, resiliency, role models
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Friendships Decrease Inevitable Stress
On the way to Machu Picchu, outside of the marketplace, I talked with this engaging group. Women gathering with children and connecting is a given when traveling in other countries. And here at home, friendships become even more critical at times of family transition – when children grow up, leave for college, then often boomerang back. Findings from a MacArthur Foundation survey show that the emotional security and social support these relationships provide have been a survival strategy in adversity. And a landmark UCLA study, developed by Drs. Shelley Taylor and … Continue reading
Posted in stress, well-being, your self
Tagged decrease stress, Dr. Shelley Taylor, Harvard Nurses’ Health Study, lower expectations, MacArthur Foundation survey, Machu Picchu, nurture friendships, release of oxytocin, tend and befriend, UCLA study, value friendship
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