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Category Archives: well-being
Resilience Crosses Political Lines
Despite the calls by both sides to draw the country together, the recent Republican and Democratic Presidential nominating conventions have each stressed partisan rhetoric, appealing to their bases. Some speeches were soaring, others angry, some fact-filled, others vague, some pointing fingers over past actions, others promising future efforts. But the one that was the most inspiring to the greatest number of Americans was only 31 words long and was given by an ex-three-term Representative. When Gabby Giffords led the Pledge of Allegiance, there wasn’t a dry eye in the hall … Continue reading
Posted in stress, well-being, your self
Tagged challenge, compromise, convention, Democratic, fear, Gabby, Gabrielle Giffords, House, pledge of allegiance, Republican, resilience, role model, speech, strength, worry
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Memories of Labor Day
Labor Day – originally designed to honor working people – has come to stand for a time of change for families each year. It signals the end of summer and those lazy days – where did that time go? Now we’re into fall and back to school. Do you have a child starting a new year in grade school, high school, college? Likely that entails more than sharpening pencils and pulling out the backpack. As you prepare for your end-of-summer barbeque, what does their return to school mean to you? … Continue reading
Posted in parenting kids, well-being, your self
Tagged change, coping, fall, family, Labor Day, memories, school, work
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Shift Your Focus to Minimize Anxiety
In this day and age, we’ve all got a lot of balls in the air, trying to balance family with work and still carve out a little time for ourselves. So how do you follow your heart and not spend your life fulfilling someone else’s dreams? Until you discover that, anxiety may very well be a constant companion. Stay in the moment. Anxiety can make you feel bad about yourself. Don’t beat yourself up about the mistakes you’ve made. Keep in mind that you are human and no one is … Continue reading
Posted in adult children, aging parents, parenting kids, sandwich generation, stress, well-being, your self
Tagged anxiety, deep breathing, emotions, family, internal strength, mistakes, relaxation, stressors, work
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Slow Down to Reduce Anxiety
Are you in the midst of a fast paced lifestyle, struggling with racing thoughts and sleepless nights? If all consuming fear makes you feel hyper vigilant and like your mind is constantly on red alert, join the crowd. There has been more than a 1000% increase in the diagnosis of anxiety over the past 30 years. Beginning early on, we all experience periods of anxiety, and different issues can cause it to recur periodically throughout our lives. Think about the separation anxiety when young children start kindergarten, physical and social … Continue reading