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Category Archives: well-being
Connecting as One
The horror of the Boston Marathon bombings was a shock felt by millions of us. Of course the victims – as well as their families, friends and first responders – were affected most acutely. With 3 people killed that day and 264 injured, that traumatic experience could have stopped everyone in their tracks. But we continue to hear stories of courage, heroism, dedication and resiliency among average citizens as well as professionals. And now we are learning more about the reactions to the bombing from individuals and corporations here at … Continue reading
Posted in stress, well-being, your self
Tagged bombing, Boston Marathon, contribution, control, family, Feinberg, first responders, friends, helpers high, One Fund Boston, resilience, suffering, trauma, victim
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Digital Impact on the Marathon Bombings
We’re in uncharted territory. Digital devices have changed the very essence of how we communicate, as most recently demonstrated by the deadly bombings during the 2013 annual Boston Marathon. On the one hand, there are positives about social media during a crisis. In 140 characters or less we can connect quickly with loved ones – get details, reassurance, bad news, relief, or comfort. But without fact checking there are often inaccuracies and a rush to judgment. False identification or misinformation by amateur sleuths can cause frustration and sometimes heartache. … Continue reading
Stress Awareness Month and the Boston Tragedy
Since 1992, April has been Stress Awareness month, but this year we didn’t need a reminder. On 4/15/13 there was plenty of fear and anxiety after the Boston marathon bombing, with three innocent lives cut short that day and 264 injured, several in critical condition. It was Patriots Day in Boston, a day filled with history, tradition and rituals. The violent attack, in the midst of celebration, rekindled vulnerable feelings for all of us. With 24/7 media coverage and five days of chaos and terror, it seemed like the whole … Continue reading
Coping with a Loss
The post on coping with a loss that appeared here earlier this week was written before the terrible bombing at the Boston Marathon. Sadly that event, causing deaths and huge numbers of very serious injuries, shattered our hopes and expectations for a peaceful springtime. It was an attack on our homeland in a very personal way, as we witnessed the devastating results, shocked victims and physical destruction. But what we also saw was heroic behavior by bystanders, first responders and hospital trauma teams. We learned of the cooperative, inclusive actions … Continue reading
Posted in stress, well-being, your self
Tagged bombing, Boston Marathon, coping, heroic, resilience, stress, support, threat, tragedy, trauma
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