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Category Archives: well-being
June weddings and anniversaries
Before their weddings, June brides and grooms may be focused on the ceremony and party – but after the nuptials, they soon wake up to the realities of married life. Amidst the everyday pulls of career, household chores, financial limitations and raising children, there may be little left for each other – in time, energy, or funds. So how do you keep love alive as the years go by? If you’re celebrating your anniversary this month, here are 5 tips for nurturing your relationship and reconnecting to each other and … Continue reading
Posted in intimate partner, well-being
Tagged affection, anniversary, apologize, conflict, date night, forgive, grooms, intimacy, June brides, love, loyalty, marriage, partner, romance, spouse, trust, wedding
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Fighting the Stigma of Mental Illness
The Isla Vista deadly rampage happened in May, Mental Health Month. Three were shot and the other three stabbed to death. These six college students were killed by a 22 year old with grandiose and persecutory delusions, suicidal ideation and a well thought out plan. What followed was a week of media coverage on gun control, the NRA, police readiness to assess danger and mental illness. But now the airwaves are quiet–it’s a fading memory. And that’s despite the passionate plea for ‘not one more’ from the father of one … Continue reading
Summer is Finally Here
Summer in the U.S. officially kicks off with Memorial Day weekend. This year was a little different, with strong bi-partisan support for veterans in the wake of scandals at V.A. hospitals across the country. Over the long weekend, your family may have touched on more serious themes than just how to best barbeque hamburgers and hotdogs – rather, how to protect the vulnerable compatriots we honor. As a country, we need to do more than merely pay tribute to veterans’ sacrifice, respect their bravery and offer our sincere gratitude. It’s … Continue reading
Posted in extended family, parenting kids, well-being
Tagged community, family, Memorial Day, national park, nature, quality time, staycation, summer, travel, VA, vacation, veterans, visit
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Wrapping Your Head Around Moving
Our priorities and needs are changing as we prepare to move. Downsizing once again, we face the challenge of fitting our treasures into a smaller space. And keeping it simple seems to be the way to go. I still love to turn the pages as I read, yet there’s a growing list of books on my e-reader. And I know that the piles of articles I always intended to reference are now easily accessible on the Internet. As we sift through and make choices–which cherished objects to keep and those to let … Continue reading
Posted in adult children, stress, well-being, your self
Tagged brain, children, downsizing, family history, heirlooms, journaling, keepsakes, memories, moving, neural pathways, teens, traditions, values
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