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Category Archives: well-being
The Kindness of Boomers and Millennials
A friendly encounter or gentle conversation has the power to set the tone for your whole day. And your attitude can be a catalyst to an act of Generativity, a term coined by Dr. Erik Erickson. He describes a stage of psychosocial development when older adults have a strong desire to give back. It often takes the form of nurturing actions or creating changes that help others. A prime example is that older adults display generativity every day to their families and communities. And studies show that two-way supportive relationships between … Continue reading
Posted in adult children, aging parents, parenting kids, well-being, your self
Tagged Baby Boomers, columnist David Brooks, Dr. Erik Erickson, Encore.org, kindness, lend a helping hand, Marc Freedman, Millennials, random acts of kindness, the act of Generatively, volunteer work
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Sweet ’16
What does the phrase “Sweet 16” bring to mind for you? For me, it’s the surprise party my parents threw for me on my sixteenth birthday. For the men in my family now, it’s the excitement of college basketball teams on the “road to the Final Four.” But for all of us today, it’s the hope that 2016 will bring more joy into our lives and less anxiety. If you’re a parent of a Millennial, here are some tips for increasing your family’s long-term happiness in 2016 while you decrease … Continue reading
Posted in adult children, parenting kids, well-being, your self
Tagged 2016, anxiety, Boomerang kids, college, grandchildren, Grandparents, happiness, high school, joy, Millennials, parenting, stress, tension
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2016: Moms and Boomerang Kids
The phenomenon of adult children flying back to the nest has recently been called a favorable cultural shift. However, some moms in the midst of spreading their own wings are struggling with that reality. As we launch 2016, here are some practical tips to help navigate the transition: Increase optimism. A positive mindset doesn’t diminish the fact that now you have a lot more responsibility and much less freedom. But changing your perspective and how you see these particular circumstances can alter your experience. In part, don’t we all create our own reality? … Continue reading
Posted in adult children, parenting kids, stress, well-being, your self
Tagged " adult children, Boomerang kids, cultural shift, family stress and frustration, feathering your empty nest, free monthly newsletter, huge student loans, improving communication, journaling, Millennials, New Year's resolutions, resolving conflict, transitions, Whose Couch Is It Anyway
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