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Tag Archives: voter
Honoring Martin Luther King, Jr. today, Americans may wonder how much progress has been made toward realizing his dream, so eloquently stated that steamy August day, 1963, in Washington, D.C. According to a poll done by CNN/Opinion Research, a significant majority of blacks and whites believe that the dream of racial equality has evolved in our society. A full 72% of whites and 61% of blacks are of the opinion that America in 2008 would be accepting of a black President. According to the same poll, slightly fewer voters, around … Continue reading
Posted in sandwich generation, stress, well-being, your self
Tagged 2008, CNN, Martin Luther King, President, Sandwich Generation, Sandwiched Boomers, voter
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Leaving the snowy hamlets of New Hampshire behind, the presidential candidates are headed for Michigan and the warmer venues of South Carolina and Florida – all of this before they launch into meeting the voters in the multiple primaries on “super Tuesday,” February 5. Based on their results so far, candidates are now re-evaluating strategies, changing staffers or even dropping out of the race completely. Daily, the pollsters and pundits are telling us who is ahead and the spin doctors, why. Is Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama the real agent … Continue reading
Posted in aging parents, sandwich generation, stress, well-being, your self
Tagged aging parents, family, Florida, Giuliani, growing children, Hillary Clinton, Huckabee, McCain, Michigan, New Hampshire, Obama, Romney, Sandwiched Boomers, seek support, South Carolina, stress, Super Tuesday, voter
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As the spin doctors continue to review what went right with Hillary Clinton’s campaign in New Hampshire, the significant moment seems to be when, exhausted, she choked up, expressing her emotions of frustration, sadness, resignation. The voters saw a person who was not removed and isolated from them, but one who suffered, just as they did, from the complexity of life. Her humanness came through. Are you afraid to show your own emotions to those around you? As a Sandwiched Boomer you may often be at your wits end, coming … Continue reading