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Tag Archives: unhappiness
Positive Effects of Negativity
I was having dinner the other night with a friend who is having a tough time as she goes through a very difficult break-up and I wondered, with all the emphasis in Positive Psychology on resilience and optimism, are we being unrealistic about our abilities to bounce back after a crisis? And is there actually some real value in being unhappy sometimes? Immersed as we are in the ‘dog days of summer’ it might seem like the wrong time to look at such heavy and pessimistic issues, but let’s give … Continue reading
Posted in stress, well-being, your self
Tagged break up, challenges, change, crisis, death, divorce, emotions, job loss, loss, negativity, optimism, pessimism, positive psychology, recovery, resilience, survive, unhappiness
Coping with the Unhappiest Day of the Year
Earlier this week, we experienced what has traditionally been dubbed “the unhappiest day of the year.” For those in the Northern Hemisphere, January is often the most depressing month: the days are cold, the nights long, bills from the holidays have arrived, and we’ve already broken many of our New Year’s resolutions. So what can we do – this week – to cheer up, take on a different approach and make the choice to move forward? Here are some strategies that work for me when I’m dealing with hassles. Give … Continue reading
Posted in stress, well-being, your self
Tagged control, exercise, goals, gratitude, helplessness, opportunity, relaxation strategies, resiliency, stress, tension, unhappiness, wellbeing, winter, workout
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Oscar Blues
We end our week at the Oscars considering the men nominated for their supporting actor roles. Their portrayals personify the complexities of vulnerability linked with the strength of truth. The sad, sad story of Heath Leger’s death from an overdose of prescription drugs overshadowed his posthumous Oscar win for his vivid, searing performance as The Joker in Batman: The Dark Knight. It is ironic that Robert Downey Jr. shared the same Academy Awards category with Heath Leger. Downey spent years in the haze of drugs before he was able to … Continue reading