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Tag Archives: serenity
Getting Away
“Do everyone a favor – get out of here. Just go away.” Have you heard these words from anyone at your job or at home? If so, they might be giving you some good advice. Americans are known to be hard workers, with the average number of paid vacation days in the U.S. ranking below that of most other developed countries. And, even when employees have accrued them, many don’t take all of their eligible time off. A recent study of American workers found that 15% had not taken any … Continue reading
Posted in well-being, your self
Tagged adventure, boundaries, employee, family, friends, health, nature, serenity, staycation, stress, travel, trip, vacation, well being
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Full of awe trumps awful any day
Last month I visited the Grand Canyon, probably one of the most “awe-full” places on earth. The sense of grandeur that radiates there during the day is nearly matched by the millions of stars that light up the otherwise black nights. While there I felt lucky to have that respite from the truly awful news in the world – beheadings by terrorists, the spread of Ebola, fears of global unrest. How about you? Amidst the stress and bad news in the world these days, are you looking for ways to … Continue reading
Posted in stress, well-being, your self
Tagged art, awe, awful, creativity, exercise, family, flow, friends, Grand Canyon, music, national park, nature, peace, relationships, resiliency, serenity, stress, wellbeing
Families Rejoice in The National Parks
This week’s nighttime bear attack on a campground outside of Yellowstone was a dramatic reminder of the power of these wild animals. Estimates are that about 125 grizzly and 500 black bears roam the backwoods in Yellowstone. Yet this unprovoked attack on humans was seen as aberrant behavior by the mother grizzy and her cubs. Rangers say that visitors have a one in 1.9 million chance of being attacked, as long as they follow all the established safety precautions. So, taking care not to approach wild animals in the National … Continue reading
Posted in parenting kids
Tagged bear, children, family, Her Mentor Center, national parks, Sandwiched Boomers, serenity, Yellowstone
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