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Tag Archives: romance
TomKat Has Split But You Can Stay Together
The statistics remain grim: one in every two marriages continue to end in divorce. The speculation is that knowing these figures, Tom Cruise and Katie Holmesagreed to a very specific prenuptial agreement. Maybe that’s why TomKat was able to come to a divorce agreement so quickly. But given that you likely had other things on your mind before the wedding, let’s turn the tables on the celebrities and give our attention to preserving our own intimate relationships. If you’re a Sandwiched Boomer your energies may often be sapped by your responsibilities to … Continue reading
Posted in intimate partner
Tagged apologize, communication, couple, divorce, fair fighting, forgive, intimacy, Katie Holmes, kids, love, marriage, partner, relationship, romance, Sandwich Generation, Tom Cruise
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Send Your Kids to Camp and Improve Your Marriage
Does the thought of sleep-away camp stir up anxiety for your children and for you? Of course, there are unknowns in any unfamiliar situation. Yet camp is a great opportunity for kids to develop their interests, confidence andindependence. And believe it or not, sleep-away campcan be the best thing for your marriage. As a member of the sandwich generation, caring for parents growing older and kids growing up, your life is more than full. I bet it’s been quite a while since you had meaningful time alone with your partner. So here are four tips … Continue reading
Posted in intimate partner, parenting kids, your self
Tagged anxiety, family, kids, marriage, romance, Sandwich Generation, Sleepaway camp, stresss
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The Month for Love
Long before it was a song, the saying was a part of our conversation – and it’s especially appropriate during February, the month of love: Love makes the world go ’round. kratuanoiy / FreeDigitalPhotos.net With all this whirling, love can make you feel off balance and dizzy. Sometimes it’s tricky to keep your personal world turning without having it spin completely out of control. With love encompassing so much of our consciousness, the focus on Valentine’s Day is usually on romantic love. Yet there are many different kinds of love … Continue reading
Posted in extended family, your self
Tagged affection, closeness, connection, emotional, energy, engage, intimacy, love, playful, romance, sexual, Stills, valentines day
How to Work Your Way toward Valentine’s Day
If you’re a Sandwiched Boomer, caring for parents growing older and kids growing up, Valentine’s Day may be just one more responsibility you have to take care of. Are you trying to balance work and family with little choice but to leave your love relationship on the back burner? Busy people under pressure often hurt the one they love. Not ideal circumstances as we approach the most romantic day of the year. Marital relationship experts seem to focus on minimizing the negatives – don’t nag, don’t be controlling, don’t overreact, … Continue reading