Tag Archives: balance work and family

Acting Techniques for Everyday Life

If you missed the Virtual Book Tour on Wednesday’s blog, scroll down for author Jane Marla Robbins’ interview aboutActing Techniques for Everyday Life. Want to feel strong and relaxed no matter what you’re doing? You’ll find answers by clicking on ‘comments’ at the end of yesterday’s post. Our readers’ questions will resonate, and Jane’s responses are insightful, thoughtful and honest. Thanks, Jane, for ideas about how to feel more confident in many difficult family, work and social situations. Your techniques create a sense of well being so we can make … Continue reading

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Sandwich Generation Siblings: Caring for Aging Parents

Today we’re focusing on issues that may arise among siblings once parents begin to decline. If your interactions feel like when you were kids fighting for who gets the biggest piece of cake, here are some tips that may help your family right now: Recognize why you’re upset. There’s likely a lot going on as you try to keep all the balls in the air. Worrying about your parents’ well-being and the decisions you will have to make on their behalf is stressful. At the same time you may be … Continue reading

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Teen Daughters and Conversion Disorders

Are your daughters feeling the pressures of adolescence? Parents at Le Roy Junior-Senior High School in upstate New York are still concerned, months later, as their teens continue to experience verbal outbursts, involuntary movements and tics. Although Sigmund Freud first described this combination of symptoms as Mass Hysteria, the difficult to diagnose condition is now known as Conversion Disorder. It’s a rare condition with both psychological and neurological factors. These young women are left frustrated, behind in school and socially isolated. Not able to live a normal life, families want … Continue reading

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How to Work Your Way toward Valentine’s Day

If you’re a Sandwiched Boomer, caring for parents growing older and kids growing up, Valentine’s Day may be just one more responsibility you have to take care of. Are you trying to balance work and family with little choice but to leave your love relationship on the back burner? Busy people under pressure often hurt the one they love. Not ideal circumstances as we approach the most romantic day of the year. Marital relationship experts seem to focus on minimizing the negatives – don’t nag, don’t be controlling, don’t overreact, … Continue reading

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