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Tag Archives: Internet
Video Tips for Keeping Your Perspective in a Recession
Redefining a crisis as a challenge gives you the power to begin, step by step, coping with the situation. See the changes you need to make in this recession as the opportunity to create a more fulfilling life for yourself and your family. Recognizing your strengths and resources keeps you optimistic and resilient. Click on the video for 10-second tips about keeping your perspective in this recession. For more tips about how to stay positive during this economic recession, click on the title above. It will link you to www.HerMentorCenter.com … Continue reading
As the presidential campaign heats up the cold New Hampshire winter, our focus is very specific: how the value of support simply cannot be overestimated. As Sandwiched Boomers in the midst of dealing with aging parents and growing children, do you need help in finding support for yourself? Over the next week, through the eyes of political candidates, we’re going to teach you how to go about getting it. Oprahbama, the big O’s, Oprah and the Obamas – sounds like a rock band on a road trip. When Oprah hit … Continue reading
Posted in parenting kids, stress, well-being, your self
Tagged emotional support, Internet, New Hampshire, Obama, Oprah, Sandwiched Boomers
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John Donne, the 17th century English poet and author, reminded us many years ago, “No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main…I am involved in mankind.” Women have always sensed this bond to one another and reached out to connect. Recently we were touched by this woman-to-woman tie when we received a blog comment from a woman in India. Here we are, two Southern California women, writing about issues we think are of importance to the Sandwich … Continue reading