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Tag Archives: health
Blogging About Health
Health is sometimes like a computer or car – we take it for granted when everything is going well but when there’s a problem, it takes over and wreaks havoc in our lives. Perhaps thinking more about wellness and how to take an active role in promoting good health can help us keep our bodies running more smoothly. Now we’ve begun to do just that. In addition to our posts here at HerMentorCenter.com, we’re participating in a yearlong blogging journey aimed at improving health and wellness. Joining other bloggers at … Continue reading
Posted in well-being, your self
Tagged blogging, friendship, goals, health, Real Health, relationships, seniors, wellness
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Virtual Book Tour: Lauren Brooks and Kettlebells
We’re pleased to be hosting Lauren Brooks here on the blog today. She’s the author of Kettlebells for Women: Workouts for Your Strong, Sculpted and Sexy Body. For those of you who don’t know, kettlebells are iron balls with handles that allow you to move the weight in a natural swinging motion with your hips. They provide an all in one workout that results in increased strength, conditioning and fat loss all at once. If you’re ready to know more about this unusual and effective kind of workout, let’s get … Continue reading
Posted in your self
Tagged exercise, feminine, fitness, health, kettlebells for women, kettlebooks, Lauren Brooks, muscles, optimal strength happiness, sculpted body, Virtual Book Tour, workout
Optimism about Gabrielle Giffords’ and America’s Recovery
The recent news has been good concerning the ongoing recovery of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords after she was shot point blank in the head on Saturday. Reports are that she is breathing on her own as her husband holds her hand. The outpouring of prayers and good thoughts coming from Americans around the country will help to sustain her and her family through the long and arduous recovery that she faces. Support also goes out to the families of the six murder victims, whose funerals begin tomorrow as 9 year old … Continue reading
Posted in your self
Tagged American Psychological Association, control, exercise, Gabrielle Giffords, health, shooting, strength, stress, support
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Sandwiched Boomers, Support and Resilience
With the challenges she’s facing, Elizabeth Edwards has got to be struggling on many levels. Studies indicate that support and resilience are significant factors related to stress reduction. As sandwiched boomers, with parents and children looking to you for guidance, you’re likely no stranger to stress. Here are tips that may help you bounce back: It’s important to keep communication open and honest. You may not want to face what’s going on directly, hoping that everything will be OK. But this way of coping can look to others like you’re … Continue reading