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Tag Archives: giving back
Clearing Out Clutter
It may be a function of getting older, but I’m more ready than ever for less excess and more simplicity. Of course, part of the reason is that we recently moved into a smaller condo. But now that I’m 70, it’s time to take stock. Perhaps you too want your mantra to be less is more. But why does that persistent inner voice still encourage us to hold on? Sentimental feelings – You may still feel attached to the handmade cards and pasta necklaces your children or even grandchildren have … Continue reading
For the Love of Giving Back
Today is Valentine’s Day, so why don’t we celebrate all kinds of social bonds? Whether you’re partnered or single, connecting through giving back can strengthen and enriches everyone. And the whole is much greater than the sum of its parts. I have just returned from volunteering on the island of St. Lucia in the Caribbean, where a dedicated and collaborative team worked in a community that welcomed us with open arms. It wasn’t a two year commitment to the Peace Corps so you may see it as a drop … Continue reading
Last week we touched on the lessons we can take from Veterans Day as we give thanks for the love of our own family members. Now that Thanksgiving is only a few days away, it becomes even more meaningful to express your gratitude for their presence in your life. Here are a few more ways to apply the message of Veterans Day to Thanksgiving. Recognize the importance of revealing the love you have for each other. Those who have been in harm’s way know the meaning of the words, “it’s … Continue reading
Posted in aging parents, intimate partner, parenting kids, sandwich generation, stress, well-being, your self
Tagged Baby Boomer, caregiving, core values, family, giving back, gratitude, lessons learned, love, quality time, relationships, Sandwich Generation, sense of community, thanksgiving, Veterans Day
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Last week we began to talk about ways to connect with your aging parents and perpetuate the values they hold dear. Here are some more suggestions to guide you in this process. Talk with your parents about their past and the stories of their lives. Their tales will become a part of how you remember them. Through you, the history of your parents will be preserved from generation to generation. Look through their old photographs and listen to the memories they evoke. Video tape these conversations to have a lasting … Continue reading