Tag Archives: eldercare

Coping With Your Aging Dad on Father’s Day

Father’s Day gives us the chance to salute our dads and say thanks for all they’re done for us. As a young girl, mine taught me how to swim, stand on my head and play tennis; as a teen, how to be responsible and accomplish my goals; as an adult how to feel cherished. As we all grow and mature, our relationships with our fathers change but the bond of love is constant. If your dad has become more fragile as he ages, it’s likely that your connection has been … Continue reading

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Father’s Day and Your Aging Dad

With Father’s Day approaching, are your thoughts turning to the men in your life – father, husband, son, other male figures? Mine are. It’s heartwarming to see how my sons have become devoted dads themselves, reflecting their own loving father. This weekend, I’ll also be honoring the memory of my dad, who died in his 90th year over a decade ago. While helping with his care during the final years of a chronic illness, it was painful to see how he was declining. Always active and fun-loving while I was growing … Continue reading

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Tax Day and Sandwiched Boomers

Are you rushing to finish up your income tax returns? This year, due to the celebration of Emancipation Day last Friday in the District of Columbia, citizens have until midnight tonight to get their tax returns postmarked and in the mail. If you’re a Sandwiched Boomer you may be asking yourself, “have I taken all of the deductions I’m legally allowed?” When you’re supporting both your growing children and your aging parents, you may want to consult with your tax advisor to see if you are eligible for claiming both … Continue reading

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Caring for Aging Parents: Virtual Book Tour Finale

Below you’ll find a final couple of comments that readers posted over the weekend on the complicated subject of caring for aging parents. A common dilemma that can come up for sibling who are working together to help their elderly parents: My brother and I can’t agree on the best course of action to take with my dad who is 88. Dad has been having so many problems, the doctors say they can do a dramatic procedure which will hurt his quality of life but give him more years. I … Continue reading

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