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Tag Archives: gift giving
Millennials and the Holiday Spirit
Although it may be the holiday season, as far as presents go that doesn’t mean a whole lot to Millennials. Like so many other issues, they have their own ideas about gift giving. Apparently what they want is cash, mostly to pay down college costs and other debt. So much for the negative stereotype that those born between 1980 and 2000 are lazy and have a sense of entitlement. Millennials are laboring under a collective $1 trillion in debt from student loans and still struggling to find jobs. Yet … Continue reading
3 Holiday Survival Tips
Norman Rockwell didn’t have the picture quite right. Does any family actually look like this, especially in December? The holiday season is packed full of high expectations. And Andy Williams’ Christmas hit, “It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year,” makes it impossible to not be disappointed. The holidays can be stressful and chaotic – making your home look festive, not sure about what gifts to buy, the hassle of traveling to visit family, all the cooking and baking. Here are some common sense tips – why don’t you see … Continue reading
Posted in extended family, stress, well-being, your self
Tagged Andy Williams, blessings, Christmas, expectations, family, gift giving, holiday season, holiday spirit, Norman Rockwell, stress
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Kick Start a Gratitude Practice
We hope you read Monday’s post from our guest blogger, Sherry Belul. She was full of ideas about how to get into the habit of expressing your thanks on a regular basis. If you haven’t started your gratitude practice yet, here are more practical tips from Sherry. SnitsAnother great place to introduce gratitude is an unexpected one: when we’re in a snit! It might seem counterintuitive, but when you get to a place in your day where it feels frustrating, depressing, or all-tangled-up, you can take a deep breath, close … Continue reading
Posted in your self
Tagged depressed, free newsletter, gift giving, grateful, gratitude practice, mom, Sherry Belul, Simply Celebrate, son, thank you
As Sandwiched Boomers in these challenging economic times, is the commercialism of the holidays getting you down? How would you like to spend less time racking up credit card debt and more time putting heart into your relationships? It is important to honor the tradition of giving. But the accumulation of stuff can’t hold a candle to the gift that matters most. This year, recreate the joy of simpler days by giving the gift of connection to your family and friends. Organize a potluck dinner. Enjoy time with your friends … Continue reading