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Tag Archives: empty nest
Sandwiched Boomers Re-examine Marriage
As Sandwiched Boomers with demanding family responsibilities, you have a tough balancing act. You’re attending to your kids, parents and personal needs while still trying to nurture your marriage. If your kids are teenagers you know they still need you, but not in the same way. Your role is different and you’re left trying to adjust to changes in your identity. Or perhaps you have greater commitments now that either your parents or in-laws are older and need more help. There may be conflict about how to find the time … Continue reading
The continued market turbulence – another drop of over 700 points yesterday – has hit Sandwiched Boomers hard, especially those nearing retirement. Estimates by the Congressional Budget Office are that retirement plans have fallen by over 20% in value, raising anxiety levels and increasing feelings of vulnerability. As a Sandwiched Boomer herself, Kate is worried about her aging parents and how she will care for them just as she is taking on new responsibilities helping to care for her granddaughter. “Until a few weeks ago, I could hold it all … Continue reading
Posted in parenting kids, sandwich generation, your self
Tagged anxiety, change, children, economic turmoil, empty nest, Sandwiched Boomer, stock market, support
A new study that was discussed on the Today Show indicates that happiness, in large measure, derives from the quality of our relationships. Although we all know that may very well be true, during life transitions stressors can take their toll. Some eventual disruption in longterm relationships is not uncommon – often initiated by changes in the shared environment or by a more subjective and internal process. what kind of feelings come up as you assume new roles and relinquish the ones that have defined you in the past? Are … Continue reading
Posted in adult children, intimate partner, well-being, your self
Tagged change, empty nest, happiness, love relationship, Today Show, transition
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We have received several interesting comments to our recent blogs, two of which we want to highlight today. They represent the range of issues we Boomer Sandwich Generation women are dealing with these days. Audrey, a college admission counselor, knows that when our offspring leave for college, we parents have many reactions to the empty nest – sadness, relief, loneliness, satisfaction, the realization that our hands-on parenting days are over. We also have more of a valuable commodity, free time. She has created a program which takes advantage of the … Continue reading