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Tag Archives: character strength
Female Athletes of the London Olympics
With the Olympics being held in London this summer, we are reminded of how far we’ve come since the Duke of Wellington was said to have determined, “The battle of Waterloo was won on the playing fields of Eton,” referring to the discipline and strength men acquired playing sports as youths. Today young female athletes in the United States make use of the Title IX provisions to create a winning future for themselves as well. Women competing in the Games this year illustrate many of the character strengths identified in … Continue reading
Posted in well-being, your self
Tagged athletes, character strength, consistency, games, gold medal, gratitude, Kerri Walsh, London, Misty May, Olympics, positive psychology, resilience, Serena Williams, support, teamwork, virtue, women
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Women Olympians as Role Models
Since Title IX guaranteed equal funding for girls’ sports programs 40 years ago, we’ve seen the results in school, in the workplace and in women’s self-confidence. Studies have shown that girls who play sports in high school are more likely to do better in science classes, complete college, avoid substance abuse and join the workforce. And the more time they spend participating in team sports, the higher their self-esteem. Naturally, there has also been an effect on the playing fields. Now, for the first time in the history of the … Continue reading
Posted in well-being, your self
Tagged athletes, character strength, friendship, Gabby Douglas, games, gold medal, gratitude, London, loyalty, Marty Seligman, Olympics, positive psychology, resilience, support, Title 9, virtue, women
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Sandwiched Boomer, Nurture Yourself
These are tough times, especially if you’re a card carrying member of the sandwich generation. If you’re facing the challenges of parents growing older and kids growing up, don’t forget to nurture you. Because if you’re run down, who will care for your family? For a moment, enjoy this photo of the sunset on a Costa Rican beach. And tonight, take the time to relax and appreciate the sunset right outside your door. Whether you’re hit in the face with a crisis, adjusting to changes in your identity or making … Continue reading
A Sandwiched Boomer himself, Tim Russert cared deeply about his aging father, Big Russ, and was dedicated to his son, Luke, and wife while maintaining a high-powered career. What lessons can you take from the way he lived his life? Tim Russert was a man of strong faith and felt confident about himself. Look at the many ways you can continue to build on your internal and external assets. Evaluate your basic character strengths and how they have benefited you in other circumstances. Are you fiercely curious and determined to … Continue reading
Posted in extended family, sandwich generation, your self
Tagged character strength, family, Sandwiched Boomer, support, Tim Russert
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