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Tag Archives: brain
How Reunions Can Change Your Brain
According to neuroscience, our experiences can slowly change our brains. So how do we increase our positive qualities? Apparently, if we repeat activities that involve desirable characteristics–like kindness, gratitude and compassion–these inner strengths can become woven into the fabric of our brains. One of many ways to achieve this is through reunions. And that’s what a group of us just did, reconnected in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada after 50 years! Most of us had met as young girls in elementary school, remaining close friends through college. And being together last week was … Continue reading
Posted in well-being, your self
Tagged brain, Canada, challenges, compassion, experiences, friends, grandchildren, gratitude, kindness, mindful, neuroscience, retirement, reunions, women of '44
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Wrapping Your Head Around Moving
Our priorities and needs are changing as we prepare to move. Downsizing once again, we face the challenge of fitting our treasures into a smaller space. And keeping it simple seems to be the way to go. I still love to turn the pages as I read, yet there’s a growing list of books on my e-reader. And I know that the piles of articles I always intended to reference are now easily accessible on the Internet. As we sift through and make choices–which cherished objects to keep and those to let … Continue reading
Posted in adult children, stress, well-being, your self
Tagged brain, children, downsizing, family history, heirlooms, journaling, keepsakes, memories, moving, neural pathways, teens, traditions, values
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Even in the holiday season, the news media thrive on streaming information – and gossip – about the exploits of high visibility couples. The general public has been well informed about the on-going splits of Hollywood couples, the infidelity of John Edwards, the visits to call girls by Eliot Spitzer. Polls report that approximately one-third of marriages have experienced an affair by one of the partners. How then do the other two-thirds resist the temptation to stray? As Paul Newman, married over 50 years to Joanne Woodward before he died, … Continue reading
Posted in intimate partner, your self
Tagged affair, brain, Eliot Spitzer, faithful, infidelity, John Edwards, marriage, Paul Newman, Sandwiched Boomers
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