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Tag Archives: Boomerang kids
2016: Moms and Boomerang Kids
The phenomenon of adult children flying back to the nest has recently been called a favorable cultural shift. However, some moms in the midst of spreading their own wings are struggling with that reality. As we launch 2016, here are some practical tips to help navigate the transition: Increase optimism. A positive mindset doesn’t diminish the fact that now you have a lot more responsibility and much less freedom. But changing your perspective and how you see these particular circumstances can alter your experience. In part, don’t we all create our own reality? … Continue reading
Posted in adult children, parenting kids, stress, well-being, your self
Tagged " adult children, Boomerang kids, cultural shift, family stress and frustration, feathering your empty nest, free monthly newsletter, huge student loans, improving communication, journaling, Millennials, New Year's resolutions, resolving conflict, transitions, Whose Couch Is It Anyway
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Healing family rifts
Is your family ready for the holidays? No I don’t mean whether you’ve got most of the shopping and cooking done. The bigger issue at this time of year is preparing for the inevitable tensions and conflicts that arise at family holiday gatherings. The typical pressures created by living together can become exacerbated by the high expectations of the season. And interactions can become particularly strained when you have a Millennial Boomerang Kid at home. Saturday Night Live played Adele’s song “Hello” to prevent a brawl at the table in … Continue reading
Posted in adult children, extended family, parenting kids, well-being, your self
Tagged Adele, apology, Boomerang kids, conflict, family rifts, forgiveness, gratitude, holiday gatherings, hot button issues, Millennials, parents, relationships, tension
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Boomerang Kids and the Evolving Family
For years our society has been polarized on the Boomerang Phenomenon. It’s described as either good or bad, right or wrong. And Millennials are seen as practical or a failure, finding their way or lost. Those opposed advocate cutting the apron strings, whereas the ones in favor say it’s irresponsible to not provide a port in the storm. It’s hard to believe, but exactly seven years ago today – December 17, 2008 – we were interviewed by Newsweek.com about how to cope when adult kids move home. Our remarks about the … Continue reading
Posted in adult children, parenting kids, stress, well-being, your self
Tagged adult children living with parents, Baby Boomer women, Boomerang kids, Boomerang Phenomenon, cultural shift, families, Great Recession, HuffingtonPost.com, Millennials, new family paradigm, New York Times, Newsweek.com, student loans, vibrantNation.com
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Caring for the Caregiver
I recently participated in a forum dedicated to Baby Boomers caring for growing children and aging parents. If you’re a member of the Sandwich Generation, you may be interested in listening to some PODCASTS. You’ll find interesting panel discussions about Boomerang Kids, longterm caregiving and being stuck in the middle, all packed full of compassion, ideas and resources. The statistics are staggering: over 40 million Americans provide care for loved ones who are unable to care for themselves. At times these struggles call for total devotion. And according to AARP, the collective … Continue reading