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Tag Archives: boomer couples
Improving Your Relationship for Valentine’s Day
With research statistics still indicating that one out of every two marriages in the United States ends in divorce, you can beat the odds by resolving this Valentine’s Day to work on improving your marriage.Photo by Clare Bloomfield / Freedigitalphotos.net Instead of letting your arguments spiral out of control, vow to use fair fighting techniques and put your differences behind you before you go to bed at night. Here are some tips to get you started: Believe in your ability to change as a couple. When you make a pact … Continue reading
Posted in intimate partner
Tagged anger, boomer couples, brain chemicals, compromise, divorce, dopamine, fighting fair, forgiveness, love, marriage, oxytocin, stress, valentines day
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Boomer Couples and Effective Communication
Did you know that June is effective communication month? And since our Virtual Book Tour this Thursday features Dr. Jed Diamond and his newly published book, Mr. Mean, the blog posts this week will be about how we talk and listen to each other. Ready for your ‘to do’ list? When addressing a sensitive subject, talk about a specific outcome you would like to achieve. Be honest and direct about what you have to say. As your body language, content and tone of voice really matter, calibrate your emotions and … Continue reading
Achieving Harmony on Valentine’s Day
With research statistics still indicating that one out of every two marriages in the United States ends in divorce, you can resolve this Valentine’s Day to work on improving your marriage. Instead of letting your arguments spiral out of control, vow to use fair fighting techniques and put your differences behind you before you go to bed at night. Here are some tips to get you started: Believe in your ability to change as a couple. When you make a pact to let go of old hurt feelings, you can … Continue reading
Posted in intimate partner
Tagged anger, boomer couples, divorce, fighting fair, love, marriage, valentines day
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The Masks that Hide You fromYour Partner
As members of the Sandwich Generation facing the challenges of aging parents and growing children, there’s often not enough time or energy left to attend to your love relationship. During such stressful periods, problems in your marriage can seem insurmountable. And perhaps it feels like a masquerade. As hard as it may be, take off your masks and try to understand what each other is feeling. Make a commitment to talk honestly about what’s going on and what you can do to change the situation. Recreate balance so you can … Continue reading