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Tag Archives: blended families
The Sandwich Generation, Stress and the Holidays
As busy members of the sandwich generation, is the widespread commercialism of the holidays getting you down? How would you like to spend less time racking up credit card debt and more time putting heart into your relationships? A recent study shows that strong relationships not only provide companionship but boost longevity. There’s a lot riding on family togetherness during the holidays and this can cause stress for everyone. Here you’ll find a variety of articles on stress,from the effects of too much pressure to how to measure your stress … Continue reading
Stepmothers are People Too
Several weeks ago, as the blog focused on grandmothering, we wrote about how to move into the role of a step-grandmother – with patience, flexibility, love and realistic expectations. Some comments came in from stepmothers, who have the same kinds of issues with their new families. They wondered if their relationships can be helped by the same kind of approach. With the continuing sizeable divorce rate, stepmothers now out number intact mothers in the United States. The step-moms in these blended families generally face far more tension with the children … Continue reading
Posted in extended family, parenting kids, your self
Tagged blended families, children, divorce, grandmother, stepdaughter, stepfathers, stepmothers
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Gloria Lintermans & Marilyn Stolzman, Ph.D., authors of “The Healing Power of Love,” have written an article about an adult child’s perspective when a widowed parent re-marries. Over the next few days, we’ll be sharing their thoughts with you. As Sandwiched Boomers, many of you have likley been in this position. Chances are you grew up in a two-parent family, went away to college, married, had children of your own. And then, tragedy struck and one parent passed away, leaving the other widowed. He or she has mourned their loss … Continue reading