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Category Archives: well-being
Picking Yourself Up After A Defeat
This weekend I remembered the tag line of that iconic old TV sports show, Wide World of Sports – “the thrill of victory, the agony of defeat” – as I sat on the ground just a mile or so shy of my goal. I had planned to power walk a half-marathon overnight with Phyllis but my plan was derailed just after 3:00 a.m. The Moonwalk raised funds for breast cancer screening and I still met that goal. But I fainted from the overwhelming heat and humidity in New York City … Continue reading
Posted in stress, well-being, your self
Tagged brainstorm, breast cancer, coping, defeat, emotions, failure, fears, goals, marathon, MoonWalk, obstacles, strategy, stress, success, walk
Me, My Pedometer and MoonWalk
I blogged last month about participating in the MoonWalk half marathon. Rosemary and I, both cancer survivors, are excited about walking through Manhattan on July 20th to raise awareness and funds for breast cancer. When I started training, I planned to walk 6 days a week. I like the idea of setting goals and working toward them. But it’s hard when my inner critic keeps telling me that I’m not measuring up. You know how life can get in the way, and sometimes I didn’t feel like walking the distance. … Continue reading
Posted in stress, well-being, your self
Tagged breast cancer, cancer survivor, fitbit, half marathon, Manhattan, MoonWalk, motivation, New York, pedometer, support
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Aging as a Leap of Faith: Letting Our Spirits Fly
Today’s article by our friend, colleague and guest blogger Carol Orsborn may resonate for many of you. Please feel free to ask her questions in the ‘Reply’ section below the post. Here you go: I received a poignant email from Sally, an old friend who had just stumbled across Fierce with Age, my online Digest of Boomer Wisdom, Inspiration and Spirituality: I turned 65 and instantly became depressed. But seems like you’ve got a handle on this aging thing. How is that you have avoided despair, regret and questions about … Continue reading
Posted in aging parents, sandwich generation, stress, well-being, your self
Tagged aging, Boomers, CoroFaith:mFaith, death, downsize, Dr. Carol Orsborn, fierce with age, guest blogger, loss, marginalization, mHealth app, religion, retire, spirituality
Parenting Resilient Children
You’ve likely noticed that some children seem to be more resilient than others, overcoming difficult childhoods and dysfunctional relationships. As we highlighted in the post here on Tuesday, a new study labels these kids dandelions since they are able to thrive in less than inviting environs. Here are 6 tips to help your kids become more resilient, whatever type of flower they represent: Encourage them to make connections. Relationships can be a major source of support when times are tough and provide a safe home-base all the time. Family bonds … Continue reading
Posted in parenting kids, well-being
Tagged children, connection, family, friends, goals, kids, optimism, parenting, relationship, self care, self esteem, volunteering
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