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Category Archives: well-being
We Remember 9/11
Whereas it was 12 years ago, that horrifying and heartbreaking day is still clearly etched in our collective memory. The national psyche changed forever on September 11, 2001. Today, once again, the New York anniversary ceremony took on the familiarity of ritual. There were family members reading the names of those who lost their lives, time to reflect, moments of silence. I can picture the collapsing towers and hand-held flyers with with smiling faces of loved ones. What powerful images of despair, suffering and staggering loss. But I also recall so … Continue reading
Posted in stress, well-being, your self
Tagged 9/11, family, fear, healing, heroism, memorial, New York, PTSD, ritual, stress, vulnerable
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New Beginnings
Now that September is here, are you encountering a time of change? You may be refocusing on work after the Labor Day weekend, sending the kids back to school, celebrating the Jewish New Year, or simply making a recommitment to reality after the escape of summer. Many of us are now taking stock of where we are and making plans for where we want to be. If you’re ready to challenge yourself to make changes in your life, here are a few tips to keep in mind: Recognize what you … Continue reading
Posted in well-being, your self
Tagged assets, balance, challenge, change, expectations, family, friends, goals, objectives, resources, self care, strength, support, talents
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The Dream Speech, 50 Years Later
On August 28, 1963, Martin Luther King Jr. proclaimed his Dream of Jobs and Freedom from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. His speech was one of the greatest of the 20th century and, to this day, he’s celebrated for his ideals of inclusion and nonviolence. King was a public figure who inspired millions and gave his life for a noble cause. Although not a perfect person, he had many of the traits we often look for in our heroes. A sophisticated, educated orator and a leader with high emotional intelligence, he … Continue reading
Posted in parenting kids, stress, well-being
Tagged civil rights, equality, freedom, I Have a Dream, integration, jobs, Lincoln Memorial, Martin Luther King, nonviolence
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