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Category Archives: sandwich generation
Celebrate the Holidays with Hope not Stuff
Are you trying to keep your life in balance while honoring the complexity of this time of year? If so, look at what’s most meaningful to you. And then focus on what you want to do, not on what you think you have to do. This year let go of the idea of a perfect Christmas, Hanukah or Kwanzaa. Even though it’s important to honor the tradition of giving, the accumulation of material stuff can’t hold a candle to the gift that matters most. And bringing cheer to others is … Continue reading
Thanksgiving and Gratitude
Life in the digital age is hectic. Sometimes it takes the spirit of a holiday to slow us down enough to fully appreciate what we have. Once the turkey is in the oven, try to carve out some quiet time and think about what you’re grateful for – like, moving through a crisis to a new perspective or sharing private time with a loved one. Then bring a hearty dish of gratitude to the Thanksgiving table. Rosemary and I are eager to tell you about our new adventure at Real … Continue reading
President Obama, Survivors of Sandy and Making a Fresh Start
President Obama, in his acceptance speech, talked about building bridges to tackle our nation’s problems. The survivors of Superstorm Sandy also face complicated challenges as they begin to rebuild their communities. When life is difficult and it’s hard to cope, we have to dig deep to find personal strength: It takes time to revitalize. Solitude itself provides a chance to rejuvenate emotionally. In the few free moments you do have, find what feels relaxing and brings you pleasure – listen to music that stirs your soul or curl up with … Continue reading
Posted in adult children, aging parents, extended family, intimate partner, parenting kids, sandwich generation, stress, well-being, your self
Tagged community, future generations, government, leadership, President obama, resilience, revitalize, strength, Superstorm Sandy, survivors, values
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Healing after Superstorm Sandy
Since superstorm Sandy tore across the east coast, residents of New York and New Jersey have been struggling to get back on their feet. Communities that were impacted came together to cope, bringing out the best in each other. Those who were more fortunate provided food, showers and cell phone power to those left homeless. But the devastation is widespread and recovery will take a very long time. The total damage could run as high as $50 billion, making it one of the most costly storms in U.S. history. Natural … Continue reading
Posted in aging parents, extended family, parenting kids, sandwich generation, stress, well-being, your self
Tagged anxiety, devastation, feelings of helplessness, forces of nature, natural disasters, negative feelings, New Jersey, New York, New York marathon, recovery, stress, Superstorm Sandy, support
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